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Request: Furigana In Evernote

I'm using Evernote for my japanese study, and while taking notes, I've realized that there is feature which could make my life easier, but sadly, is not available yet in Evernote. The feature Im speaking of is ability to write furigana just like in microsoft word or libreoffice - highlighting a text which needs phonetic guide to be able to write, just above the highlighted word, text in smaller font. Are there any plans in making such an option?Hi Zima. Welcome to the forums. The feature you are talking about sounds nice, but I think it is unlikely to make its way to Evernote for various reasons, not the least of which is the difficulty of implementing a kind of superscript for words across clients. It's not impossible, but I'd guess it is quite difficult and unlikely to impact a relatively large number of users. Whatever they decide to do, a great option for now is to copy/paste a block of text into Google Translate and it will give you the readings of words along with a quirky English translation.


It will even read it for you if you'd like. Copy/paste the Google results into a note and you've got everything. Of course, Google often gets it wrong but so does Microsoft Word. Hopefully, you'll find this useful. By the way, another cool use for Evernote is to copy / paste Jim Breen's Dictionaries into Evernote. It's free, only takes a few seconds, and you have everything searchable anytime.

I would really love to see this feature as clipping sites that utilize furigana through tags just looks wonky. Case example is clipping something like which causes the furigana to be placed after the text it phonetically spells out (which is wrong) and it requires the user to either hand delete all of it or put up with lots of duplication. Being able to to just see the superscript would be awesome and super useful for a broad japanese audience of elementary, middle, and high school students who I imagine would already be present within the evernote community. Super useful for us students as well. Personally, I've never been bothered by it. In the case of the NHK page, just clip as a PDF.

Request: Furigana In Evernote

Request: Furigana In Evernote English

At any rate, we are unlikely to get 'ruby' support (furigana is the alphabet, and 'ruby' is the 5.5 size of the text), because it would take coding for a very small subset of the population. It is apparently possible in.xml, but I haven't tried to do it myself, so I don't know what kind of challenges the Evernote team would face with it.

Request: Furigana In Evernote Free

Usually, I write something as: 漢字(かんじ)in my notes and that seems sufficient to me. I wonder how hard it would be to write a clipper that removed all the furigana it found.and. placed both the kanji and furigana side by side below the text that was clipped. Thus instead of インターネットの の会社かいしゃ 「 楽天らくてん 」 It would do インターネットの通信販売の会社 「 楽天 」. 通信販売 - つうしんはんばい 会社 - かいしゃ 楽天 - らくてん Effectively this would collapse all kanji/furigana combinations but would give you a nice vocab list at the bottom.

Thus you get the phonetic transcription without having to worry about implementing superscripts within the evernote engine.